2 quick and delicious sweet recipe

 Hi guys ! I'm here to share you all two sweet recipes . It is a quick , simple and a delicious recipes which you all love surely . The first one is pumpkin halwa , which is also called Kashi halwa . The another one is semiya halwa . For both the recipes , I had given ingredients , measurements and preparation . 

Content :
1. Pumpkin halwa 
  • Note
  • Ingredients list
  • Measurements
  • Method of preparation and cooking
2. Semiya halwa 
  • Note 
  • Ingredients list
  • Measurements
  • Method of preparation and cooking

Pumpkin halwa :

Note : 

⏲️ Preparation time : 10 minutes
🕰️ Cooking time : 20 minutes
🍽️ Serving : 2-6 members ( measurements given )
🔖 Cuisine : Indian sweet 

Ingredients :

  • Pumpkin 
  • Ghee
  • Sugar
  • Cashews
  • Kesari powder 
  • Cardamom powder 

Measurements : 

For 2 - 3 members : 
Take 3 cups of pumpkin which means 1 medium size pumpkin , 1 cup of sugar , 5-6 tablespoon of ghee . 

For 4-5 members :

Take 6 cups of pumpkin which means a large size pumpkin , 2- 2.5 cups of sugar , 7-8 tablespoon of ghee . 

Method of preparation and cooking :

Preparation : 
  • Peel the skin of the pumpkin and clean it conpletely without any seeds . 

  • Cut them into pieces and grate them .
Tip : cutting them into normal size to make grating process easy . Don't cut them too small then it will be difficult to grate . 
  • The grated pumpkin should be 3 cups . 

Tip : the grated pumpkin would be watery .
  • Using a clean cotton cloth squeeze the water completely . 

Cooking : 
  • In a pan , heat 2 tablespoon of ghee and add 10 - 12 cashews .

  • Roast the cashews till it gets golden brown in a low flame . 

  • Then , transfer it to a separate bowl . 

  • In a same pan , same ghee , add the grated pumpkin . 

  • Saute it in the medium flame . 

  • Then , add half a glass of water which you squeezed from the pumpkin . 

  • Wait till the water absorbed completely .

  • Once the water absorbed , add one cup of sugar .

Tip : Take the same cup for sugar which you measured for pumpkin .

  • After adding sugar stir it well . Let it cook for 5-10 minutes in a medium flame .

Tip : if sugar starts to melts , the consistency will change to watery . 

  • At this stage , add kesari powder a pinch in 2 tablespoon of water and add that water to the preparing halwa . Stir well .

Tip : if you don't mix kesari powder to the water then it won't evenly spread in the halwa .

  • Finally , add 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder and roasted cashews. stir once well . Then , turn off the flame . 
  Our pumpkin halwa is ready ! 

Semiya halwa:

Note : 

⏲️ Preparation time : 5 minutes
🕰️ Cooking time : 20 minutes
🍽️ Servings : 2-3 members
🔖 Cuisine : Indian sweet 

Ingredients :

  • Semiya 
  • Ghee
  • Sugar
  • Cashews 
  • Raisins
  • Kesari powder 
  • Cardamom powder 

Measurements : 

For 2-3 members : 

1 cup of semiya , 1-1.5 cup of sugar , 4-5 tablespoon of ghee .

For 4-5 members : 

2 cup of semiya , 2-2.5 cup of sugar , 5-6 tablespoon of ghee . 

Method of preparation and cooking : 

  • In a pan , add 2-3 tablespoon of ghee . To this add , 10-12 cashews , 8-9 raisins and roast it .

  • Cashews should turn golden brown and raisins should puff up . Then , transfer them to a separate bowl .

  • In the same pan , add 1 cup of semiya . Roast it till turn slight brown .

Tip : all these to be done on low to medium flame . 

  • Then , Transfer it to the another bowl .
  • In the same pan , add 2 cups of water . 

Tip : Use same cup for water with which you measured semiya . For 1 cup of semiya ,add 2 cups of water .
  • Once water starts to boil . Add the roasted semiya . 

  • The water starts to absorb . At this stage , add 1 cup of sugar . 

  • Sugar starts to melt . It become watery .

  • After , adding sugar , it should be cook for 5-10 minutes in a medium flame . 

  • Add , the kesari powder in a tablespoon of water and add to the halwa . And stir well .

  • Then , add 2-3 tablespoon of ghee , roasted cashews and raisins .

  • Finally , add 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder , stir once well and turn off the flame .
  Our semiya halwa is ready ! 

Health tips : 

Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A . It has low calorie content . So , it is a good option for weight loss . The antioxidant in pumpkin helps to reduce the risk of chronic disease .

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