Cauliflower fry - spicy and yummy recipe


The recipe of cauliflower is our favourite delicious one . Among those delicious I'm going to share you cauliflower fry which is my favourite and crispy love . 

There are number of varieties of cauliflower in India . In that , the most common one is summer cauliflower . It has tightly bunched florets in white colour enclosed with few leaves .

Benefits :

It is rich in vitamin K and in vitamin C . It has antioxidant property which helps us in many health issues.

⏲️Preparation time : 10 minutes

⏱️Marination time : 20 minutes

⏳Cooking time : 10 minutes

🔖Cuisine : Indian style

🔖Process involves : boiling , marination , deep fry .

🍽️Servings : 2-3 members 

🔖Cauliflower variety : summer cauliflower ( white head or florets ) 

It can be taken as a yummy evening snacks or as side dish of your lunch . 

Ingredients :

  • Cauliflower - one medium sized
  • Salt 
  • Turmeric - 1/2 tablespoon
  • Chilli powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Garam masala - 1 tablespoon
  • Ginger garlic paste - 1 tablespoon
  • Oil
  • Corn flour - 2 tablespoon
  • Rice flour - 2 tablespoon
  • Gram flour - 2 tablespoon
  • Curry leaves - few leaves 

Method of preparation : 

  • Separate the florets of cauliflower from its leaves . Make the florets into small pieces . 

  • Soak the Cauliflower in a boiling water for 2-3 minutes . Then , drain the water .

  • Then , wash the cauliflower with cold water once .

( Add half a teaspoon of salt in the water before boiling it . )

Remember : cauliflower should be in boiling water only for 2-3 minutes don't exceed more than that , then the cauliflower will become mashy .
  • Take a bowl , add 2 tablespoon of gram flour , 2 tablespoon of rice flour and 2 tablespoon of corn flour . 

( You can adjust the flour measurement according to your consistency . But don't add excess . ) 

  • Then , add 1 tablespoon of chilli powder , 1/2 tablespoon of Turmeric powder , 1 tablespoon of garam masala , salt to your taste and  1 tablespoon of ginger garlic paste .

( Instead of buying ginger garlic paste from grocery it's better to prepare the paste at home . )

  • Mix the mixture once and add few drops of lemon extract and water to make a paste .

  • Add the cauliflower which you boiled to this paste .

  • Marinate it for 20 minutes .

  • After 20 minutes , heat the oil to fry the cauliflower .

  • It should be deep fry and the cauliflower should be crispy . Once the cauliflower turns to golden brown take off from the oil .

  • After that , in the same oil add few curry leaves and fry it for 1-2 minutes . 

  • Add this curry leaves to the cauliflower fry and serve it hot and with love .

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