Fish finger recipe - quick cooking at home

Fish fingers , you can make this yummy delicious recipe as your main course or side dish with main course of your favourite choice . 

This can be made with boneless marinated fish which should coated in the bread crumbs and finally the process involves deep fry . 

⏲️Preparation time : 35 minutes ( with marination time )
🕰️Cooking time : 10 - 15 minutes 
🍽️Servings : 5 - 6 members
🔖Serving temperature : hot 

 Ingredients :

  • Fish - 5-6 ( boneless ) 
  • Turmeric powder
  • Chilli powder
  • Cumin powder
  • Coriander powder
  • Garam masala
  • Salt 
  • Ginger garlic paste 
  • Oil 
  • Maida 
  • Corn flour
  • Bread crumps 
  • Lemon 

Method of preparation :

  • First the fish should be marinate for 30 minutes . 
  • For that , clean the fish , take the flesh of a fish .
  • Cut then in your finger size .
( Dont cut thinly , the length should be as like your finger and breath slight wider than your finger ) 
  • Now this should be marinate with spices . 
  • Add one tablespoon of chilli powder, turmeric powder , cumin powder , coriander powder, ginger garlic paste , half a tablespoon of garam masala and salt according to your taste . 
  • Spices over , now add flour . One tablespoon of maida and corn flour . 
  • Squeeze half a lemon extract to it . 
  • Mix all those well with fish .
  • Leave it for 30 minutes . 
  • After 30 minutes , take those marinated fish and coat them in the bread crumbs one by one . 
  • Then , drop them into the oil slowly to fry them . 
  • Remember to have the flame in medium flame . Or else , the outer coat of bread will burn and fish Won't cook well . 
  • In medium flame have a deep fry , that is , it should turn golden brown color . 
  • Finally garnish with fried curry leaves and sliced onions or with mayonnaise . 
( In 2 tablespoon of oil fry few curry leaves for 2-3 minutes in a medium flame ) 

Health tips : 

Your diet should contain a fish at least two times per week . This is so , because , fish has omega-3 fatty acids , vitamins and minerals . Along with this , it contains saturated fat content , so it will help to maintain your heart health . 

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