3 simple and quick recipes with Egg

Egg recipes - All are 3 egg recipes which I given below are spicy and yummy dishes . Though these 3 recipes are common , it is most of us favorite and quick cooking dishes . You can even enjoy it as a snacks . So , don't miss it , go ahead reading .

 Content :

  1. Egg roast 
  2. Bread omelette
  3. Egg podimas 
For each recipe , I had given ;
  • Certain notes
  • Ingredients with measurements
  • Method of preparation and cooking
  • Tips 
Finally health tips 

1. Egg roast : 

Ingredients : 
  • Egg - 4
  • Oil - 3-4 tablespoon
  • Chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Fennel powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Salt - required amount 

Method of preparation and cooking :

  • Boil the Egg in the hot water for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes turn off the flame and let it cool . Then , peel it's outer shell .
  • Cut the eggs into two halves and keep it aside .
  • In a non stick pan , add 3-4 tablespoon of oil . In that oil , add turmeric powder , chilli powder , fennel powder , pepper powder and salt . ( Measurements are given above in the ingredients column )
Tip : Flame should in low or else the masalas will burn . 
  •  After 2 minutes , add the eggs and roast it . 
  • Eggs should be roast for 10 minutes . 
                Our Egg roast is ready !

Bread omelette : 

Ingredients :
  • Bread - 2
  • Egg - 3
  • Onion - 1
  • Coriander leaves 
  • Green chilli - 2
  • Butter or oil
  • Salt 
  • Pepper powder - 1/ 2 teaspoon
Method of preparation and cooking :
  • Whisk 4 eggs in a bowl till it becomes forth .
  • Then , to this heated Egg add finely chopped Onion , coriander leaves and green chilli . 
  • Then , add pepper powder and salt . ( Measurements are given above in the ingredients column ) 
  • Mix all these well . 
  • In a pan , heat 1 tablespoon of butter . Once the butter melts pour half of the whisked veggie egg which you prepared on the butter coated pan .
  • Once the veggie egg spreads , place 2 slice of bread on that . Immediately , filp the bread slice to the  another side . 
  • Now , flip the omelette along with bread to the another side .
  • After 2 minutes , fold the omelette on both the sides to cover the bread slices . 
  • Finally , cut the slices of bread into two halves in a triangle shape . 
          Our bread omelette is ready ! 

Egg podimas :

Ingredients :
  • Egg - 4
  • Mustard - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Cumin - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Green chilli - 1
  • Curry leaves 
  • Onion - 2
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Chilli powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Pepper powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt 
  • Coriander leaves

Method of preparation and cooking : 

  • In a pan , heat 3 tablespoon of oil . Once oil heated add mustard , cumin and saute it . 
  • Then , add finely chopped Onion , green chilli and Curry leaves . 
  • Saute this well and wait till onion changes to golden . 
  • Then , add turmeric powder , chilli powder , peppe powder and salt . 
  • After 5 minutes , break the eggs on centre of the pan and saute it . 
Tip : add a pinch of salt and pepper to the egg which you broke at the centre of the pan . And make sure there is no shells in the pan while breaking the egg .
  • Stir it gently till the egg cook well . 
Tip : If you want dry podimas you can stir continuously or else stir often . 
  • Once the egg cooked , add chopped coriander leaves and turn of the flame . 
             Our Egg podimas is ready ! 

Health tips : 

We all commonly known fact is eggs are rich in protein . So , no other points is needed to add eggs in your diet . Taking at least 2 eggs per day is good flrfyour balanced and healthy diet . If you have any healthy risk kindly refer your physician . 

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