Gulabjamun recipe - with milk powder

 Hi guys ! 

For all my viewers , I'm wishing a happy and colorful diwali .

Here , I'm to share you all a sweet recipes which will be helpful for you all during this festive season . Yes , for this diwali week I 
 shared a yummy , delicious Gulabjamun recipe with milk powder

Gulab jamun recipe 

Content : 

  1. Ingredients 
  2. Note 
  3. Preparation of sugar syrup
  4. Preparation of dough for gulab jamun
  5. Frying , soaking and plating
  6. Health tips 

Ingredients :

Let's see the ingredients to make sweet gulab jamun recipe . 

For sugar syrup ;
  • Sugar - 1 and half to 2 and half cup
  • Water - 1 and half cup
  • Cardamom - 4
  • Saffron strands - few
  • Lemon extract - few drops 
For dough for gulab jamun ; 
  • Milk powder - 1 cup
  • Maida - 3 tablespoon
  • Ghee - 1 tablespoon
  • Milk - 4-5 tablespoon
  • Baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon
For garnishing ;
  • Nuts 

Note : 

🕰️ Preparation time : 10 minutes
⏲️ Cooking time : 20 minutes
⏱️ Soaking time : 2- 3 hours 
🔖 Servings : 8-10 jamuns 
🔖 Serving  temperature : warm
🔖 Cuisine : Indian sweet 

Sugar syrup preparation : 

  • In a pan , take 1 and 1/2 cup of water and dissolve 1.5 to 2.5 cup of sugar in a medium flame . 

Tip : sugar measurement differs according to one's taste . 

  • Cook this for 7-8 minutes in a medium flame . Once it starts to boil reduce the flame to low . 

  • The consistency should be one thread . 

Tip : take a small of amount of it using a teaspoon and let it cool for a minute and then check with your fingers . Don't let your fingers directly in the pan , it will burn . 

  • After boiling , don't keep the sugar syrup in the low flame for more than 5 minutes . Within 5 minutes the thread like consistency will appear . 

  • Once it obtained , add 4 cardamom , few starnds of saffron ( optional ) and few drops of lemon extract . 

Tip : instead of cardamom , add 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder , it will give more tasty syrup . Lemon extract is to prevent the sugar syrup to become more thick after it gets cool . 

  • After , adding all these three immediately turn of the flame . 

Our sugar syrup is ready ! 

Dough preparation : 

  • In a mixing bowl , add 1 cup of milk powder , 1 tablespoon of ghee , 3 tablespoon of maida , 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it once using your hand . 

  • Then , add 4-5 tablespoon of milk and mix .

  • Start to knead using your both hands . 

Tip: Don't over knead . 
  • Knead gently or else dough becomes hard .

  • Now , divide the dough into small smooth balls without any cracks using your palms .

Tip : make the balls small because , it swells up while you soak in the sugar syrup . 

Frying, soaking and plating :

  • In frying pan , heat the oil to fry the jamuns . Place the dough balls in the oil slowly . 
Tip : place 5 - 6 balls at a time in a pan to fry .  Or place according to the size of the pan .

  • In a low flame , fry it . 

Tip : flame should be low or else jamun turns black outside and doesn't cook inside .

  • All the sides should be golden brown . This is the correct stage to take off from the oil . 

  • Drain the oil well and add to the sugar syrup . 

  • Soak the jamuns in the sugar syrup for 2 - 3 hours . 

  • After 3 hours start plating . Garnish it with nuts and serve . 

Overview :

  • Prepare the sugar syrup by adding 2.5 cups of sugar in 1.5 cup of water . Let it boil , for 10 minutes .

  • If a one thread like consistency came , turn off the flame and add 4 cardamom , few saffron strands and few drops of lemon juice . 

  • Then , in a bowl add  1 cup of milk powder , 1 tablespoon of ghee , 3 tablespoon of maida , 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it once using your hand . 

  • Then , add 4-5 tablespoon of milk and mix .

  • Start to knead using your both hands gently without any cracks .

  • Divide them into small balls and start to fry it in a oil till turns a dark golden colour and add it to sugar syrup . 

  • After 2 hours of soaking in a sugar syrup , enjoy your favourite gulab jamun . 

Health tips : 

Eating sugar is not is that much bad to health .

Men - 37.5 g means 9 teaspoons per day 
Women - 25 g means 6 teaspoons per day 

Crossing the limit leads to body weight gaining , increased blood sugar level , risk of heart disease and other dangerous conditions .

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