Iyengar mor kozhambu recipe - with vada

Iyengar mor kozhambu recipe

Hi guys ! Welcome to my blog . Today I'm going to share you all one exciting and healthy recipe . 

Today's recipe is iyengar Mor kozhambu .

Iyengar mor kozhambu recipe with vada

Content :

  • Introduction to recipe
  • Note
  • Ingredients
  • Preparation
  • Cooking
  • Health tips 

A simple and easy dish which will be useful for beginners in cooking or for the people who needs to cook soon . There are many varieties in this recipe . The difference is on adding pumpkin or chow chow , etc . But I wanna to make something different and a tasty one . Yes , this recipe is not simply a mor kozhambu , it's a masala vada mor kozhambu which is special preparation method by Iyengar . If you want you can also add any other vegetable in this recipe . I'm dam sure it is a fantastic recipe to taste .

Note :

⏲️ Preparation time : 15 minutes

🕰️Soaking time : for vada - 2 hours 

                              For kozhambu - 30 minutes

⏳Cooking time : 30 minutes

Cuisine : South Indian 

Course : starters and main course 

Ingredients :

For vada ; 

Chana dal - 200 g
Red chilli - 6-7
Garlic - 10 cloves 
Curry leaves 
Fennel seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Onion - 1 big size 
Coriander leaves

For kozhambu ; 

Coconut - 1/2
Cumin - 1/2 teaspoon
Green chilli - 3
Toor dal - 2 tablespoon 
Coconut oil - 4 teaspoon
Red chilli - 4
Mustard - 1/2 
Curry leaves 
Urad dal - 1/4 teaspoon
Curd - 300 ml 
Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon

Recipe Preparation :

For vada ;

Soak chana dal ( 200 g ) , red chilli ( 6 ) , garlic ( 10 cloves ) , fennel seeds ( 1/2 teaspoon ) in a water for 2 hours . 

Chop one biz size onion finely . 

For mor kozhambu ;

Grate half a coconut , slice 3 green chilli , soak Toor dal ( 2 tablespoon ) for 30 minutes . 

Now , grind these ingredients as a fine paste by adding 1/2 teaspoon of cumin and some water  .

Let's start to cook :-

Vada :

  • Take the soaked ingredients ( which I mentioned above in the recipe preparation for vada ) and strain the water from it completely after 2 hours of soaking . 

  • Then , find the soaked mixture as a course paste . The course paste is nothing but not as a fine paste , the consistency is spreadable and has a rough texture . 

Tip : don't add water while grinding . 

  • Add 1 finely chopped onion to this grinded paste .

  • Then , add coriander leaves , 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida and required amount of salt .

Tip : if you prefer it as a snack you can add 1 finely chopped green chilli and 1 inch grated ginger . For mor kozhambu it is not necessary . 

  • Mix well . If you want you may also add mint leaves along with which gives you a unique flavour . 

 Tip : more the onion you add it gives more taste . But mint leaves should be in limit .

  • Now , turn on the flame and in kadai add the oil to fry the vada . 

Tip : for frying use groundnut oil if it feels okay for you . Because it gives a fantastic taste . 

  • Let the oil to heat . 

  • Meanwhile , take the mixture which you prepared for vada . Divide and roll them into balls .

Tip : onion , coriander leaves are have some water content . So , you don't need add water while you rolling it . 

  • Now , moisture your both hands and press the balls in slight flat appearance . 

  • Don't press it too much and it will become too thin and gets separated while you add it on oil and doesn't cook well on inside . 

  • Carefully place one by one on oil and start to fry in a medium flame . 

  • Fry till it gets dark golden brown on both sides . 

  • It should not be too hard . 

  • After that , take out from the oil . 

Our delicious masala vada is ready ! 

Mor kozhambu :
  • In a pan , heat 4-5 tablespoon of coconut oil.
Tip : coconut oil gives a unique taste to this recipe.  
  • Once the oil heated , add 1/2 teaspoon of mustard , 1/2 teaspoon of urad dal , 2-3 red chillies and roast it for 2 minutes in a low flame . 

  • Then , add few curry leaves and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder . 

  • Now , add the prepared paste ( which I given above in the preparation of mor kozhambu ) .

  • After , adding this coconut paste and asafoetida a pinch , it should be cook in a low flame only for 2 minutes . 

  • Then , add the curd and cook it for another 2 minutes in a low flame . 

  • Then , turn off the flame . 

  • Finally , place the vada above the kozhambu .

Our fantastic Iyengar mor kozhambu with vada is ready !

Let me summarise : 

  • In a blender add the soaked ( soak 2 hours ) Channa dal , red chilli 6-7 , cloves 10 and 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds . 

  • Grind them as a course paste . 

  • To this add finely chopped onion. Curry leaves and coriander leaves . 

  • Now , take a small amount of prepared mixture , roll it and spread between your palms in a vada shape . 

  • Fry in the oil till it gets golden brown on both sides . 

  • In a pan , add 1/2 teaspoon of mustard and urad dal and 2 red chilli . 

  • Then , add few curry leaves and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and coconut paste ( I mentioned above ) .

  • After 2 minutes , add curd and cook them for another 2 minutes and turn off the flame . 

Health tips : 

Coconut oil is extracted from the raw coconut or dried coconut . It is good for not only skin and hair but also for our health that's why in those days people used coconut oil for cooking . Still it is in use of cooking but by fewer people . Coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty and has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties . It may help to lose weight and improves the skin and oral health . 

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