Vegetable pakoda recipe - In 2 easy methods

 Content :
  1. Introduction to recipe
  2. Ingredients list
  3. Note
  4. Method of preparation
  5. Frying 
  6. Plating and serving 
  7. Health tips 

Introduction to recipe : 

Pakoda is most of our favourite dish which we wish to eat especially on these rainy days as a snack . The crispy and crunchy pakoda is prepared by flour based batter with Onion and with all other vegetables . Either using only Onion or with other vegetables it will be prepared . 

I shared you about a vegetable pakoda recipe at home with easy method of preparation . 

Ingredient :

Vegetables :
  • Carrot 
  • Beans
  • Onion
  • Cabbage 
  • Capsicum 
  • Potato 
The quantity of vegetables vary according to number of servings . 

For batter preparation :
  • Chilli pea powder - 1 cup
  • Rice flour - 1/2 cup
  • Chilli powder - 1-2 tablespoon
  • Salt 
  • Asafoetida - 1/2 teaspoon 

Note : 

🕰️ Preparation time : 15 minutes
⏲️Frying time : 10-15 minutes 
🔖 Cuisine : Indian
🔖Serving temperature : hot
🔖 Type : as a snack or side dish 

Method of preparation :

Preparation of vegetables :

  • Finely Slice the vegetables ( carrot , beans , potato , capsicum , Onion , cabbage ) . Neither too fine nor too thick . 

  • If it is too thin , it will break while you fry on oil .

  • If it is too thick , it won't cook properly . So , concentrate on vegetable cutting . 

Preparation of batter :

  • In a mixing bowl , add 1 cup of chick pea powder and 1/2 cup of rice flour .

  • To this , add 1-2 tablespoon of chilli powder , 1/2 teaspoon of asafoetida and required amount of salt . 

Tip : if you want you can add finely chopped coriander leaves or curry leaves to this mixture . It will give a unique flavour . 

  • As I told , it is a batter preparation , you should add water gradually not much water at a time . 

Method 1 :

  • After preparing the flour mixture for batter , add the vegetables which you sliced for pakoda . 

  • Mix the vegetables well with the mixture . That is , it should be coated on the vegetables well . 

  • Give some pressure while mixing the vegetables , as the water content in the vegetables released . 

  • According to this , you can sprinkle some water and mix .

  • Remember , for crunchy pakoda , we need a batter in thick consistency . So , don't add much water . 

Method 2 :
  • After preparing the flour mixture , add some water gradually . 

  • The consistency should be a thick batter . According to that add water little by litte .

  • After preparing batter , add the sliced vegetables and mix well . 

  • The batter should be coated on the vegetables well . 

Frying :

  • In a frying pan , add oil to fry the pakoda . 

Tip : flame should be medium . 

  • Once , the oil heated , sprinkle the vegetables which you coated with the batter.

Tip : don't add batter vegetables suddenly on the oil , place gently . 

  • Often , flip it , to have a deep fry . 

  • Once , the it changes to golden brown take off the oil by straining the oil completely . 

  • Likewise , add the remaining coated vegetables and fry it . 

Plating and serving : 

Plate the vegetable pakoda with few fried curry leaves and start to serve hot with love.

Tip : after frying pakoda , in the same oil fry few curry leaves in a low flame . 

Health tips :

Carrot - It is rich in vitamin A , K , calcium and beta carotene .

Beans - It is rich in folate , fiber , protein , magnesium and iron .

Capsicum - It is rich in vitamin C .

Cabbage - It has vitamin C , A , K , folate , iron , potassium and magnesium .

Potato - It is rich in vitamin B1 , B3 , B6 and in minerals .

Onion - rich in vitamin C , B6 and potassium and folate .

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