Pani Puri recipe

Pani Puri is such a favourite street food snack for many . It was first invented in North side of India . And it has different names on many states . 

Pani Puri is a yummy delicious snack with fried crispy dough balls ( Puri ) , potato stuff , spicy and sweet chutney . 

Here , I have shared this fantabulous dish with you all in step by step procedure . 

⏲️Preparation time : 1 hour
🕰️Cooking time : 30 minutes
🔖Course : snacks 
🔖Cuisine : Indian 
🔖No of puri : 8-10

Puri preparation :

Ingredients :

  • Rava - 1 cup
  • Maida - 2 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Water - 1/3 cup ( 6 tablespoon )

Method of preparation :

Mix all the ingredients which I listed above and knead it for 5 minutes . 

Keep it aside for 30 minutes by closing it with a damp cotton cloth .

Note : knead well . It's consistency should be elastic . 

  • After 30 minutes knead it again . And divide the dough into two or three parts and roll between your palms as a round shape  well without getting cracks .
  • Then , roll the parts evenly and thinly as a large round shape with rolling pin . 
  • It should be thin and even . If not then the Puri will not be puff up . 
  • Then , flip the entire rolling dough to another side and roll it . 
  • Once you got a evenly thin rolled dough , cut them into small small circles with cookie cutter or with small sharp edge bowl .
  • Now , heat the oil in a pan and start to fry the small doughs . 
  • Fry 4-5 dough pieces at a time .
  • Dry till golden to deep golden . 
  • Once you taken in the stage of golden then it becomes soft as soon as you taken from the oil .
  • So , wait till it gets a deep golden color . Then only the Puri will be crispy . 
  • Once you fried all Puri , transfer it into a air tight container . 

Ingredients :

  • Tamarind ( lemon size )
  • Dates - 6
  • Jaggery - 1/4 cup 
  • Chilli powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/4 teaspoon 

Method of preparation :

  • Soak a tamarind in a cup of water for 10 minutes and filter that water . 
  • In a pan , add that tamarind water , 6 dates , jaggery 1/2 cup , chilli powder 1/2 teaspoon and salt 1/4 teaspoon . 
  • ( Don't add chilli powder and salt much . Just a pinch is enough ) 
  • It takes some time to boil . 
  • Once it starts boiling wait to get a thick consistency of it . 
  • Then , turn off the flame . 
  • Let it to cool . Then , transfer it into a blender and grind them as a paste . 
   Our tamarind chutney is ready !

Pani :

Ingredients :

  • Mint - 1/2 cup
  • Coriander - 1/2 cup
  • Cumin - 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Ginger - 1/2 inch
  • Green chilli - 2-3 
  • Lemon - 1 ( small size ) 
  • Salt 

Method of preparation :

  • In a blender add all the above ingredients which I mentioned above .
  • Add some water and grind them not as like thick paste . It should in liquid consistency . 
  • Then , filter that in a bowl . And add extra 2 cups of water to that filtered mint juice . 
  • Taste it and check whether spice and salt is correct . If not , adjust it according to your taste .
       Our pani is ready ! 

Potato masala :

Ingredients :

  • Potato - 2 
  • Green peas - 1/2 cup ( soaked overnight ) 
  • Onion - 1 chopped finely 
  • Coriander leaves 
  • Salt .

Method of preparation :

  • Boil the potatoes and green peas or white chana Dal .
  • Peel the skin of the potatoes . And smash the potatoes and chana Dal or peas . ( Not completely but smash hafly ) 
  • In boil mix the smashed potatoes and chana Dal . 
  • To this add chopped onions , few coriander leaves and salt .
  • Mix altogether and keep it aside .

   Our potato stuff is ready !

Assembling Pani Puri :

  • Take a Puri and break or crush the upper part of it .
  • Place a potato stuff first inside the Puri and then place tamarind chutney on that .
  • Now , dip this stuffed Puri in Pani and taste it . 
Try out this yummy snack by yourself at home . 

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